Areas of Practice
J.d.Edwards Development
Our Expertise includes most areas of the development of J.D.Edwars developments from B7.3.2.1 to E9.2 versions.
Debug analysis
JDE debug logs tell you a lot more than they seem to at first sight. Our own analysis methods enable us to look deeper in processes and troubleshoot at a real high efficiency.
The unique tools of IVORY-Solutions enable a higher level of upgrade performance to the E9.X releases of EnterpriseOne. Our toolset manages modifications to standard objects with reliability never seen before.
custom products
We offer custom solutions for various countries. Please get in touch for more information.
J.D.Edwards ERP can be extended to a lot more than a conventional enterprise system. Interface technology varies from time to time. Our expertise includes:
COM interfacing, Text File interfacing and Business Services.
Consulting services
We'll get you the right solution let it be setup or development.